Research Link was established in 2013 as a learning healthcare community, providing an opportunity for individuals outside the university to remain up-to-date and engaged in the research being conducted in the Center for Chiropractic Research (CCR) at Life University.
The Center for Chiropractic Research (CCR) is excited to announce the creation of the Sallie®patient portal. As part of the CCR’s Research Link Learning Healthcare Community Sallie®provides an opportunity for patients to share daily or weekly feedback on their health and well-being, giving clinicians greater insight into their patients’ response to chiropractic care. Clinicians can even choose to receive alerts when their patients experience a decline in their health and may need an adjustment. Sallie® is a collaboration between Life University CCR and Power of Patients. The platform provides a powerful patient-driven tool to help you change your patients’ healthcare dialogue from a pain and disease model to an expression of health model.
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