Heart Rate Variability
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COVID-19 Resources
Welcome to the Life University Center for Chiropractic Research COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) resource page. D.D. Palmer, the founder of chiropractic, is attributed with saying:
“I desire to know why one person was ailing and his associate, eating at the same table, working in the same shop, at the same bench, was not. Why? What difference was there in these two persons that caused one to have various diseases, while his partner escaped?”
Keeping in mind the spirit of curiosity and discovery that has been so dominant in the chiropractic profession, this resource page has been designed to provide links to relevant government and organization websites, clinical resources and tools, and past chiropractic and immune system research. This website is not meant to be static, but will evolve as more research and information becomes available.
Today’s Conversations on Leadership (TCL)
Today’s Conversations on Leadership (TCL), a thought-leadership vehicle of Life University, has released a conversation involving Heidi Haavik, D.C, Ph.D., Director of Research, Centre for Chiropractic Research at the New Zealand Chiropractic College; Dan Murphy, D.C., DABCO, a faculty member at Life Chiropractic College West; and James Chestnut, B.Ed., M.S., D.C., founder and president of The Wellness Practice, which outlines their thoughts on chiropractic care in the era of the COVID-19 health pandemic.
The conversation, moderated by Gerard W. Clum, D.C., Director of The Octagon at Life University, seeks to bring greater clarity to the expectations of the practicing chiropractor during this public health emergency from three internationally renowned chiropractors, with each offering their respective expertise in research and clinical practice to the conversation.
For the most recent research related to COVID-19 that has been published in the Elsevier family of journals, please click the link below for the Elsevier Novel Coronavirus Information Center:
Symptom Survey
This survey has been adapted by Life University from the CDC person under investigation (PUI) form and is available for open use. It has not been validated for diagnosis of COVID-19 or any other disease.
This form may be useful in two ways:
- Initial screening tool
- Track symptoms over time
Government organizations and agencies resources
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
- COVID-19 Main website –
- COVID-19 Page for Healthcare Professional –
- Person Under Investigation Case Report Form
- Interim Clinical Guidance for Management of Patients with Confirmed Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) –
- Using Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) –
- COVID-19 Print Resources –
- Guidelines for PPE use –
- Interim Infection Prevention and Control Recommendations for Healthcare Personnel During the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Pandemic –

Georgia Department of Public Health
- COVID-19 Main Website –
- Guidance for Healthcare Professionals –

World Health Organization (WHO)
- COVID-19 Main Website –
- Technical Guidance for Health Workers –
- Operational considerations for case management of COVID=19 in health facility and community –
- Getting your workplace ready for COVID-19 –
- Patient Management –
- Searchable database of the up-to-date research related to the novel Coronavirus –

International Chiropractors Association (ICA)
- COVID-19 Main Webpage –
- Safe Office Environment flyer

American Chiropractic Association (ACA)
- COVID-19 Main Website –

World Federation of Chiropractic (WFC)
- Main website –
- Updated Advice for Chiropractors –

Research Link
If you would like to stay up to date about current research and what is going on in the CCR, please register here.