Student Research

Global Trends and Perspectives in Chiropractic treatments of Musculoskeletal Conditions: A Bibliometric Analysis
Zelin Zhou

The effects of chiropractic manual adjustments on Nervous System Function in individuals with Post-Concussion Syndrome; A proof of concept tria
Mihaela Dodan
Research Graduates
Angular kinematics of supine cervical adjustment thrusts on Life University PAT mannequins
Mackenzie Keller
Perceived stress and patterns of autonomic function: a protocol development study
Savannah Voelker
Seasonal Infectious Disease Patient Reported Outcomes (SID-PRO)
Heather Garrison
Chiropractic Student’s Perception of Online Learning during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Eniabitobi Kuyinu
The effects of chiropractic care on posture and cognitive function in healthy adults
Taylor Keenan
The relationship between stress scores, a single-session of chiropractic care, heart rate variability, and electroencephalography patterns.
Courtney Bliese
Does chiropractic care change post-stroke ADLs and brain activation patterns?
Ni’Amber Harris
Kinematic evaluation comparing internal frame and frameless backpacks
Jonathan & LB Bryson
Effectiveness of Chiropractic Care on a Healthy Population as Assessed by Balance and Dual Task Performance Analysis.
Shannan Behrens
The influence of rhetorical sensitivity on the chiropractors’ cultural authority
Michael Jendzurski
Examination of the effects of chiropractic care on resting state EEG and autism symptomatology in a pediatric autism population.
Trever Secraw
The neurological effects of sympathizing with patients under chiropractic care
Sadeddin Yamlikha
A role for chiropractic in the treatment of neonatal abstinence syndrome
Rebecca Young
Spinal flexibility and aortic pulse wave velocity
Kain Queck